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Legal Notice


Geopark Ries e. V.
Pflegstraße 2
86609 Donauwörth
Tel. 0906 74 6030
Fax 0906 74 6040

Club register
Registergericht Augsburg
VR 202091

Conception and content (gemäß § 18 Abs. 2 MStV)

Heike Burkhardt
Managing Director Geopark Ries e. V.

Adress as above.

Authorized to represent

Managing Director:
Heike Burkhardt

Board of Directors:
District Administrator Stefan Rößle, District Administrator Dr. Joachim Bläse, Lord Mayor David Wittner


All contents and original works contained on these pages are protected by copyright. Reproduction,
processing and any kind of use exceeding the copyright limits are subject to prior written approval by the Landkreis Eichstätt and/or each author/editor. Downloads and copies of this website are allowed for private purposes only and not for commercial use. Third parties' copyrights must be observed when this website’s operator has not produced the contents of these pages. Third party’s contents in particular will be specifically marked. Should you nevertheless notice a copyright violation, please inform us of it. In case a copyright violation is discovered, we will cancel this kind of contents immediately.


The Geopark Ries reserves all rights, full and partial, including photo-mechanical reproduction, duplicating and distribution by means of special processes (for example, data processing, data storage and data networks).

The Geopark Ries accepts no responsibility for possible typographical errors or for the correctness of the entries.


In its judgment of 12 May 1998, the Landgericht (District Council) of Hamburg decided, that the attachment of a link brings joint responsibility for the contents of the linked site. According to the Landgericht, this can only be avoided by expressly dissociating from this content. We have included links to other internet sites. This applies to all of these links:

The Geopark Ries has no influence over the contents or presentation of the linked sites. The Geopark Ries accepts no responsibility for the contents of the internet sites, whose URL is referenced in our site.

This declaration is valid for all of the links on our site and for the contents of all sites to which these links lead.

The inclusion of links to other URLs is a service for our internet visitors and can be revoked at any time. They include no legal claim to retention.


Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:

Wir nehmen nicht an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teil.