Illustrated info-panels convey everything worth knowing about the German National Geoparks, the UNESCO Global Geopark Ries and the Ries Crater’s special rocks. The Info-Center in Nördlingen provides a compact overview of the archeology and settlement history of the crater, which is still inhabited today. The exciting connection between geology and architecture is shown by means of selected buildings. How the cosmic event still determines the local economy and landscape today and the great significance of impact research in the Ries Crater are further topics in the Nördlingen Geopark Info-Center.
In addition to a play zone for children, the Nördlingen Geopark Info-Center is furnished as a visitor-friendly info source for visitors. Guests can call up further information about the city of Nördlingen, the UNESCO Global Geopark Ries and the Ferienland Donauries (tourism organization) over a touchscreen - or use the “hotline” to contact the staff of the Ries Crater Museum at any time.
The interactive Geological History of the Earth and the impact animation are also available here.